
How to Start a Blog

First, Google “How to start a blog.” Then, read a blog about blogging. Learn you don’t need to be a professional writer. Nor do you need credentials or a degree. Brainstorm a catchy niche—like gluten-free baking or hot yoga. Nix the idea of a catchy niche because your expertise is anything but niche.

Read a listicle that ranks provocative topics. Read another listicle about writing listicles. Begin a social media strategy. Quit when you realize you hate social media.

Open a Word document and start typing. Stop after 15 minutes because you need to change your laundry. Munch on Tostito chips with mango salsa.

Write for two more hours.

Re-read your blog for grammatical errors. Delete copious amounts of copy. Try again. Eventually, after fitful anxiety, hit publish. Mouth vomit because you feel so exposed.

Make plans to do it again tomorrow.

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  1. Stuart Danker

    Hahaha, this captures the process pretty much to a tee. Jokes aside, the worst thing someone can do is to overthink it. I feel like the most successful bloggers here are the ones who just went ahead and did it, without thinking too much about niches or posting schedules. Anyway, thanks for this post, Nikki!


    1. Nikki G

      It took me a long time to get over the thinking too much!! Thanks for the support!!!


  2. Mary Levine

    I always enjoyed your writing, and obviously still do. I’ll look forward to reading your blog.


    1. Nikki G

      Thanks for being a faithful reader! All the way from my Marblehead days!!!


  3. Rasha Mason

    Looking forward to lots of stories!


    1. Nikki G

      Best neighbor & friend ever!


  4. Sarah

    Yay! Looking forward to reading more…


  5. Sonja R

    Great start, Nikki! Looking forward to reading your stories.
